Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pumpkins, Photo Shoots, Tantrums, Oh My!

Wow, how about an update? Katelyn turned 10 months this past weekend. She is no longer an infant and is moving right into toddler town.

Here's a recap of the past month:
  • Katelyn had a great time carving pumpkins and dressing up for her FIRST Halloween.
  • She made it into the top 20 of Central Florida's Most Huggable Baby Contest (like we needed a contest to know this...haha)
  • She claps up a storm and knows when to "pat it" when we sing "Pat-a-Cake"
  • She pulls up on anything and everything including the cat.
  • She says kitty when she sees the cat. It sounds more like "Keeeeee-tea"
  • She is finally saying Mama but still doesn't have a clue who the heck I am ;)
  • She will stand on her own for 15 seconds before she falls on her butt.
  • She only gives Mama kisses and not Dada. I secretly believe this is payback for Dada being so thrilled that she said "Dada" before "Mama." Oh, that karma. :)
  • She had her first real photo shoot for the contest mentioned above. She was quite the professional. The magazine comes out on 12/2! Mama will be getting many copies :)
  • She pushes her little Tonka push toy all around the house until she either runs into the wall or some other object.
  • She waves like a champ. She moves her little fingers up and down, and it's completely adorable.
  • She waved at the jello the other day at the grocery store. Guess we need to work on that ;)
  • The tantrums have started early. She can easily turn on the waterworks when something is taken away from her. "No" is not her favorite word.
  • I'm still amazed everyday that I get to be her Mom. She makes me want to have 3 more. Okay, so maybe just one more.

Katelyn @ 9 Months

Example of tantrum. She's still pretty cute though :)

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