Okay, I missed posting last night. I really am okay with that. Katelyn started getting a runny nose on Sunday night (as I posted about) and it just kept getting worse. To the point that she had a fever over 100 on Monday morning. I really wanted to wait it out and see how she did on Monday but thought maybe I should at least call the doctor. Well, I was fully expecting them to just tell me to give her some tylenol and watch her and to call back if she got worse. WRONG! The nurse said the magic words, "well, you might want to bring her in with everything going around...you know, swine flu." What the hell was I supposed to say to that? So off to the doctor we went. The nurse made it seem like I should bring her in, then the doctor is looking at me and his eyes are saying "Aw, first time mom." ARGH! To top it all off, Katelyn didn't even have a fever when we got there. I have heard that children will take every opportunity to make their parents look stupid and so it begins. I loved spending $25 on absolutely nothing! I know, I know, better to be safe than sorry. I should've just listened to my mommy instinct.
The day went from bad to worse rather quickly. Daddy went to put Katelyn to bed and all I could hear upstairs was my poor baby screaming her head off. She was crying the "Mama, please help me. Something is wrong" cry. I wanted to cry too. The problem was that she was so completely stuffed up that she could no longer breathe through her nose. Not such a big deal but to a baby who loves to go to sleep with her binky it spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E. It was freaking her out that she couldn't breathe and all she wanted to do was go to sleep. So, I sat with her in the steamed up bathroom while Daddy went to get some Vick's Baby Rub. Amazing stuff! I wish I would have known, I could have had some on-hand for situations like this.
The only positive to all this is that she has been taking 2 hour naps during the day. ah, I sometimes miss the newborn stage. I'm hoping this will get her on some type of napping schedule. Eh, I know, pipe dreams!
Until next time...