Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Day Late and a Dollar Short

So, apparently August was NaBlaPoMo. I can't believe I missed it! Oh, you don't know what NaBlaPoMo is?? National Blog Posting Month, of course. Yeah, I had no idea either so don't feel bad. The idea is that you post everyday for a month so that blogging becomes more of a habit. Wow, that sounds like something I should give a try since my posts happen on average once a quarter. In theory, posting everyday seems like a cool idea but in actuality probably not so cool and more on the boring side. My days are pretty much the same - make bottle, feed Katelyn, change Katelyn, fight with Katelyn to take a nap - wash, lather, rinse, repeat. Yeah, the stay at home gig is not nearly as glamorous as I dreamed it in my head as I sat in my little cubicle at my job with my swollen feet trying to get through year-end closing of the books without going into labor. Okay, my point is that who would want to read about my life EVERYDAY for 30 days in a row?? Hmmm, it might be fun. I'll never know unless I try, right? Yep!

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